

WHY IS IT CRUCIAL TO MANAGE A FIXED ASSET REGISTER AND WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF IT Irrespective of the size of the business an owner possesses, every business owner should maintain and manage a fixed asset register. A fixed asset register is a complete list of assets and details, which the business owns. Owners...
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WHY WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS CRUCIAL IN TODAY’S BUSINESS SCENARIO Would you like it if you and your team can manage your warehouse in a more efficient, convenient, and accurate way? It might be difficult for you to understand your inventory, respond to clients’ orders, billing, and eradicate human errors all at once. However, the...
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A.I. AND IT’S IMPORTANCE IN UAE In today’s rapidly evolving environment, digital transformation and artificial intelligence are ongoing components of a government’s ability to sustain long term development. The scenario today is characterized by disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, and the internet of things. All these elements are dramatically changing the way we...
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ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT How does RPA (Robotic Process Automation) help a business entity? It enables organizations to deploy smart software bots that automate standard operational processes within the business. In other words, it helps make supply chains lean and efficient. RPA IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT RPA is transforming supply chains and...
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DIRECT SALES SERVICES FOR CREDIT CARDS At the heart of every direct sales-oriented business lies the power of building relationships, value creation, and storytelling. While the direct sales industry has evolved over the years, these principles have remained more or less constant. What has changed is how the power of social media and the internet...
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GOVERNANCE RISK AND COMPLIANCE AND THE WAY IT EMPOWERS CYBER SECURITY The segment of GRC (Governance Risk and Compliance) share a direct connection with compliance and risk. Besides, its link with cybersecurity is also undeniable. Before we step into the chapter on the intersection between GRC and cybersecurity, you need to comprehend what GRC factually...
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3 WAYS TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER RETENTION IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY The insurance sector is booming in the present times because people feel the need to insure themselves or their families against any pitfalls soon. Most insurers opt for the new insurance industry or the agents to get an exclusive deal on their insurance covers. In...
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HOW TO INCREASE ASSET PERFORMANCE WHILE REDUCING THE MAINTENANCE COSTS Asset management is crucial for every business organization to achieve success. Nonworking assets are a detriment for businesses in many ways, like maintenance expenses and hindrances in productivity. Hence, it can put any company for noticeable revenue loss. It is an essential factor in all...
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INSIGHT INTO BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING AND ITS IMPORTANCE Business Process Re-Engineering is a revolutionary process in which businesses need to imagine their whole business process and redesign them to achieve amazing results. Michael Hammer introduced this process. His focus was to bring to the business owners’ attention that they must reassess their whole business before...
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BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPMS) REAL-TIME VISIBILITY IN BUSINESS OPERATIONS One word that describes today’s business environment is “ volatility.” High impact technologies like cloud computing, analytics etc., are characterized by increasing complexity, posing tough challenges for management teams. This is where Business Process Management Services play an active part. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEFINED...
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