August 16, 2021


4 SIGNIFICANT WAYS ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION HELPS INCREASE YOUR PROFITS Robotic Process Automation (RPA) helps industries automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks to save time and money. It is now a mainstream technology adapted by most industries. According to a Gartner report, the RPA revenue will reach almost $2 billion by the year 2021, which is...
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THESE 5 ELEMENTS OF HOMEPAGE WILL HELP YOU TO CONVERT YOUR LEADS INTO SALES A Statista report shows, there will be nearly 2.14 billion global digital buyers of various products/services by 2021. However, the businesses are still struggling to convert the leads into paying customers. This is because a few cannot design a good Homepage,...
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4 Crucial Reasons Bpr Often Fails To Give Transformative Results BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) is a business management strategy devised in the early ‘90s. It helps organizations rethink their workflow processes. It also helps the business improve customer service, cut out on unnecessary operational costs, and become world-class competitors. This transformational process enables you to...
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