

Why Contact Centers Are A Key To Your Business Success? Contact centers are the backbone of any business. Whether you own a big brand like Lakme or a small local brand with enough sales, a customer care representative is always required. It solves customers’ queries and grievances fast. It is necessary for every type of...
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4 Exclusive Ways Outsourcing Agencies Are Best For Direct Sales Companies Direct Sales Companies are directly related to customers trying to sell their new products every time. The banking and financial institutions or product-based companies can choose direct sales to reach out to a large customer base.  However, new markets can be reached through outsourced...
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Top Ways To Build Positive Customer Experience Through Social Media Marketing The digital world is undergoing a drastic change, and 2022 is the year of social media and change. Whether you own a small business or a big business house, social media marketing plays an essential role for every business. It helps increase awareness for...
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Top 5 Call Center Service Trends For 2022 To Implement Now The Call center’s call volume showed a steep increase as everyone was confined to home during the pandemic. Customers wanted to inquire about the product launch or sort out their complaints at the earliest. This made contact center servicesgo through severe challenges and pave...
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4 Successful And Unique Customer Relationship Strategies You Need In 2022 Customer service, customer care, customer engagement, and customer relationship management; are a few terms we all listen to in the business diction. However, all these terms are key to business success. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) works as the umbrella term for all these terms...
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AI Role In Business Intelligence: How Is The Technology Changing BI For Better? Data is everywhere, and Artificial Intelligence makes its presence felt in businesses. From the volume of data collected, the businesses need to find accurate data that will help streamline their operations. Business Intelligence is used in nearly every department, from retail to...
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CXM Solutions for Healthcare CXM solutions for healthcare find ways to make the best use of critical resources to offer the best possible patient experience and meet targets. The challenges for clinics, small and large medical centres, ERs are the same. CXM solutions meet these challenges so that caregivers, staff, and patients alike benefit. SAFE...
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ACCELERATE YOUR REAL ESTATE SALES THROUGH CXM Like most other industries, the real estate industry is primarily based on customer experience. Customer experience is a critical decision driver for investors, buyers, and seller’s alike. In Dubai and the world over, real estate companies have started optimizing their CXM to keep their value proposition on the...
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MAKE MANUAL CREDIT CARD RECONCILIATION A THING OF THE PAST Manual credit card reconciliation can be very time-consuming and tiresome. The entire process of transaction matching, the impact of unmatched entries, and the time factor make manual credit card reconciliation extremely tedious. Automation is the best way to address these issues. WHAT IS CREDIT CARD...
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Sales Outsourcing And Its Benefits: What Upcoming Businesses Need To Know For Strategizing Businesses Are you ready to work with experts in 2021? Do you want to go for cost reduction and sales growth? If yes, sales outsourcing is an answer for your business. Most business owners are looking forward to taking the services from...
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