

YOUTUBE SEO: IMPORTANT TIPS TO RANK YOUR VIDEOS AND GET MORE VIEWS Who doesn’t know about YouTube? Presently it is the second-largest search engine on the planet positioning just after its parent organization Google. The video platform is thriving at a constant rate, and 8 out of 10 video searches occur here. Hence anyone can...
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3 KPIS TO SCRUTINIZE THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY According to Oberlo, social media accounts are throbbing, with more than 3.5 billion users that equate to 45% of the world’s population. Meaning, a smartly constructed social media marketing strategy can reach numerous online people just within a fraction of second. However, the...
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3 SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS OF ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION IN SERVICE INDUSTRY Services industries like asset management, customer care, IT & Human Resource, Insurance, etc. are gearing up for the automation process. The reason being, manual work processing is quite slow, and if the data needs to be checked, then it can take quite a long time....
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INSURANCETECH: 4 INNOVATIVE TRENDS TO KNOW RIGHT NOW The Insurance Industry is the late bloomer who picks up with the running technologies late since it follows its legacy models. But, the concept of InsuranceTech has made the industry to switch on to advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, etc. The digital...
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HOW IS FINTECH HELPING TO TACKLE BANKING FRAUDS? Banking and financial institutions have been working on traditional models for many years before the use of advanced technologies like Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence to avoid fraud or scams. Nowadays, banking tech services are changing the financial transaction scenario in banks. Before customers were scammed with...
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HOW BUSINESSES CHOOSING MARTECH ARE PERFORMING BETTER DURING COVID-19 COVID-19 has turned the economy of the countries upside down across the globe. Many industries have been hit adversely except the ones who are using automated marketing technology for providing seamless CRM services. The use of MarTech is supporting the B2B sectors to manage their workflow...
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ACKNOWLEDGE KEY ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE RECORDS MANAGEMENT The comprehensive records management is equipped with a complete life cycle of keeping the records right from storage of the records to their destruction when their purpose has been served. Records are essential to keep up with information governance, legal discovery issues,organizational support, etc. But, there is a...
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A COMPARATIVE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT The document and records management may seem interchangeable, but still, these two terms share a difference in their characteristics. Many organizations use electronic software to maintain records or a document. But what is the difference between these two? What is Records Management Records act as evidence...
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CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: TOP WAYS BUSINESSES CAN DO IT Global profits for the automotive industry are going to increase by 50% by the year 2020 as per the McKinsey report. This sharp increase is seen in the emerging automotive markets. But, the increased sales and growth of this industry is only successful through customer...
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4 SIGNIFICANT ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION TRENDS TO SEEK IN 2020 The actual adoption of the Robotic Process Automation will be catching up in 2020 after the use of bots on high-scale by businesses.The RPA process will remove the manual actions with the automated processes. It will work as an assistant to the organization’s staff. Even...
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