

CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: TOP WAYS BUSINESSES CAN DO IT Global profits for the automotive industry are going to increase by 50% by the year 2020 as per the McKinsey report. This sharp increase is seen in the emerging automotive markets. But, the increased sales and growth of this industry is only successful through customer...
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4 SIGNIFICANT ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION TRENDS TO SEEK IN 2020 The actual adoption of the Robotic Process Automation will be catching up in 2020 after the use of bots on high-scale by businesses.The RPA process will remove the manual actions with the automated processes. It will work as an assistant to the organization’s staff. Even...
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BACK TO BASICS AFTER COVID-19: TOP WAYS TO ATTRACT BUSINESS CUSTOMERS How will the customers respond Post-COVID reopening? How to reach them again? These questions may be coming to your mind while prepping up to reopen after Post-COVID restrictions. Right from small businesses to big companies, all are curating new strategies to attract customers.  The...
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DOCUMENT IMAGING: A FUTURE TOWARDS PAPERLESS ORGANIZATION Managing the documents cost the companies $20 as labor. Employees have to handle hundreds of paper to fix the misfiled documents. According to the research, professionals spend almost 15% of their time reading the information and 50% time looking for it. Therefore, scanning the files leads to a lot...
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4 SIGNIFICANT WAYS ERP SYSTEM WILL HELP REMOTE WORKERS The Coronavirus pandemic has made almost every organization to switch to remote working. Now, the question is to ease the running of business operations. Here advanced ERP software system makes the difference. A report showcases, the global ERP market is predicted to grow to 97 billion US...
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DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: HOW IS IT SUPPORTING HR IN PRESENT TIMES HR (Human Resource) department accesses confidential information of the organization’s employees. Some are tied in paper forms and some paperless. With COVID-19 in place, the companies are shut down, or a few have just started working with minimal staff. But, the majority of the workforce...
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INCREASE YOUR BRAND’S REACH THROUGH THESE 5 WAYS The days of traditional marketing are long gone as everything is getting digital. The businesses are looking forward to skilled digital marketers that can customize the marketing campaign. In the present scenario, digital marketing services are becoming essential to increase ROI.  Statista report shows that the number of Smartphone...
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EMPOWERING CYBER SECURITY THROUGH GRC Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) are the terms used in close proximity to information technology. GRC security is a part of modern organizations as it is used along with the cybersecurity of the company. This approach is used to manage risk, achieving IT objectives, and meeting all the compliance requirements....
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6 ESSENTIAL WAYS TO WORK ON YOUR POST-CORONAVIRUS CUSTOMER LOYALTY STRATEGIES Novel Coronavirus has put businesses to the test. The trends are changing, and so will be customer loyalty campaigns. Now, the focus is to assure and retain both targeted and existing customers. How can you do it? Statista report shows that online buying has increased up...
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BEST DOCUMENT ARCHIVING STRATEGY FOR YOUR BUSINESS The quantity of data that business processes produce is growing continuously. Archiving this data is essential, and at the same time, can seem complicated. Hence, for dealing with this mammoth influx of business data, an effective business stratagem is required. A quality archive envelopes these critical data and...
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