

INSIGHT INTO BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING AND ITS IMPORTANCE Business Process Re-Engineering is a revolutionary process in which businesses need to imagine their whole business process and redesign them to achieve amazing results. Michael Hammer introduced this process. His focus was to bring to the business owners’ attention that they must reassess their whole business before...
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BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES (BPMS) REAL-TIME VISIBILITY IN BUSINESS OPERATIONS One word that describes today’s business environment is “ volatility.” High impact technologies like cloud computing, analytics etc., are characterized by increasing complexity, posing tough challenges for management teams. This is where Business Process Management Services play an active part. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEFINED...
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REFUND PROCESS WITH RPA Quick responses and effective solutions are what new customers are accustomed to. With the help of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) businesses can automate processes and tasks that are typically carried out by employees. Not only does RPA integrate well with the existing IT infrastructure, but it can also work across different...
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WHAT ARE ENTERPRISE IT SOLUTIONS? In the dynamically changing landscape of the year 2021, a business enterprise needs to evolve to keep pace. Anticipating future requirements of clients and embracing technological advancements are imperative to build a robust and future-proof organization. Enterprise IT solutions enable businesses to do just that. WHAT ARE ENTERPRISE IT SOLUTIONS?...
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INSIGHT INTO STREAMING ANALYTICS AND ITS VARIOUS BENEFITS FOR BUSINESSES In simple words, Streaming Analytics relates to bringing analytics to the data. The Analytics is brought to the ‘event streams.’ The Streaming Analytics technique helps to ‘ingest, analyze, and act’ in real-time while the data is processing and the events are still happening. These data...
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AN OVERVIEW OF CONTENT MARKETING IN 2021 Content marketing is a ‘buzzword’ in digital marketing, and its popularity is seen as a source to increase the traffic for much time. This technique offers an opportunity for businesses to boost their traffic and improvise their online reputation. A few statistics prove that content marketing is a...
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3 POWERFUL REASONS TO EMPOWER YOUR CUSTOMER SUPPORT TEAM “You need to ease your customer’s pain.” – Anonymous A customer support team in an organization is formed to ease out the problems of the consumers. Customers are the main pillar of any business. Their woes need to be resolved quickly for better customer retention. But,...
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COLLECTION & RECOVERY SERVICES In the current economic environment, COVID 19 has played the villain in numerous ways. Organizations face difficult challenges as their infrastructure and resources are strained, and organizations in the UAE are no exceptions. Priorities have changed. Enterprises are now focussing more on increasing cash flow, operational efficiency, and collection productivity. Streamlining...
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CLOUD-BASED ASSET MANAGEMENT V/S ON-PREMISE ASSET MANAGEMENT: WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Asset management is the process of developing, operating, maintaining, and cost-effectively selling the assets. The asset management service providers offer traditional alternative products too. The asset management provider or a service firm’s role is to make investments that grow the client’s portfolio....
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THE ROLE OF BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING IN HEALTH CARE Business process reengineering (BPR) emphasizes the streamlining of cross-functional processes to reduce time and cost, improve quality and service, increase revenue and reduce risk. BPR is a set of activities designed to make sustainable improvements in the quality, speed, and cost of the process of an...
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